Troy School District Learning Portfolios
Welcome to the Troy Learning Portfolio! The Troy Learning Portfolio is a K-12 student-owned portfolio where year after year, students document their learning and growth with artifacts of coursework and insightful reflections. Over time, students will have a collection of their authentic work that illustrates instances where they exhibited different skills including collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication, character, and citizenship. When students graduate from the Troy School District, they will have a digital portfolio that showcases their learning journey.
The Purpose of the Troy Learning Portfolio is to:
– Develop a portrait of a learner.
– Allow all learners work to be visible.
– Allow students, parents and teachers to see progress of their learning in Troy.
– Chronicle interests and experiences that shape our students through an ongoing creative collaborative process.
– Learn digital citizenship while also empowering choice within their learning.
– Provide a consistent platform for ALL Troy students to add voice to their work.
– Support Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication with technology integration as a component of work, not as a flashy tool.
– Provide students and teachers an opportunity to reflect upon the work in class.
– Build vertical coherence and unity—the vehicle for building success as stated by teachers, principals, and teaching and learning staff.
– Focus on skill development rather than just highlighting a grade level or content area. Skill development would be centered around teamwork, leadership, communication, problem-solving, community involvement/outreach, and creativity.
Additional Info – The vehicle for the project is WordPress. WordPress is a web content platform that is flexible and easy to use that powers 1/3 of all websites. Our TSD WordPress (powered by Campus Press) includes more extensive learning-focused tools that provide a stable, secure, and hassle-free network for teachers and students.
All students will have access to create and chronically posts to highlight artifacts, skills and reflections of work create during the school year. Each year, students would get time during the school day to add to their own portfolio.